Options to Consider:

Choosing the right fence can do wonders for the look of your home, creating both a frame for your living environment, as well as providing security and privacy for your family. Also, there are some factors that need to be considered. HOA, CCR’s, the height and accessibility, the look you are hoping to achieve and the view that might be obscured.
- Provide safety and security
- Screen an unsightly view
- Retain children or pets
- Enclose pools or tennis courts
- Improve the look and style of your property
- Provide privacy
- Mark a boundary
Choosing the right fence - faq's
Every fence material will have its pros and cons. If you are most concerned about the durability and strength of the fence then opting for bamboo fencing is most likely your best option. If budget is a major consideration then wire or aluminum is a good choice.
The supporting piece of a fence is called a post. This is the one thatis mounted in concrete. Posts, for bamboo installation should be treated wood. The cross members are called rails. These are attached to the posts. Bamboo panels are nailed or screwed into the rails. These are the main screening component of a fence and can be placed in vertical or horizontal positions.
A properly installed fence will last a long time if it is appropriately maintained. There are many factors which will affect the life of a fence including, climate, soil conditions and the type of treatment applied. It’s recommended a UV protection with fungal attack formula to preserve and maintain the fence every 3 years or sooner.
Your fence will last longer and weather better if it is sealed with a good marine grade sealant with anti-fungal or stained and sealed. If you like the rustic silver-grey coloring that occurs with natural aging of bamboo then you can leave your fence to weather naturally. Fences should be stained and sealed every three years. If you decide on a stain, we recommend choosing a colored stain as the pigments provide protection from sun damage. Clear sealants need to be reapplied every year.
Not all bamboo fencing is created equal. Bamboo fencing, those found at Sunset Bamboo should be made of all natural bamboo that are either ¾ inch diameter or 1 inch diameter, this alone can help the bamboo from withering to early. The following finishes can be applied to bamboo fencing to provide protection against weathering.
- A general guide for timber fences is as follows:
- Ornamental garden (3ft)
- Back yard (6ft – 8ft)
- Front Yard (4ft – 6ft)
It is up to you whether you decide to build the bamboo fence yourself or hire a professional. The bamboo fences offered at Sunset Bamboo are easy to install and come delivered in rolls allowing you to simply unroll the fence as you work.
Hiring a qualified contractor however can save you time, and knowing that the job has been done correctly will give you piece of mind as well as a nice bamboo fence to admire.
You should always check with your local council before you begin building. Even if a permit is not required to build a fence you will stillneed to comply with local building requirements and home owner association CCR’s.
Avoid fence disputes by practicing fence etiquette—a good neighbor policy. Out of courtesy you should inform your neighbor of your plans, even if you plan to pay for the full installation of the bamboo fence. If you want your neighbor to contribute to the cost of the fence then they must be notified prior to construction or repair.
We recommend pre-drilling whenever possible. We like to use a flip countersink and try to always drill at the node band since this is the strongest part of the pole and is also much less visible.
Bamboo is prone to slight cracking or checking in zero-moisture cold conditions. Once split or drilled, bamboo will not crack. Bamboo fencing has been known to last up to 20 years in cold, winter conditions.