How long do deliveries take??
All orders received by 12:00 p.m. PST are PROCESSED SAME DAY.
Please note: We do not ship on Saturday or Sunday. Any order placed on Saturday, Sunday or national holiday will be shipped on the next business day. Please read our Shipping Information page for a detailed schedule and Holiday shipping schedule.
Can I ship items to multiple addresses??
Yes, you can. Any time you have more than one shippable item in your cart, you will have the ability to ship the items to multiple addresses during Checkout.
Shipping to APO/FPO addresses?
We are able to ship to APO/FPO addresses with few restrictions:
We do not offer Express or Overnight shipping to APO/FPO addresses. APO/FPO orders are shipped via Parcel Post and arrive within 2-4 weeks. Additionally, some items are shipped may not be eligible for APO/FPO delivery. Generally, the items that would not be eligible for APO/FPO delivery are very large items such as 10 foot bamboo poles and bamboo fencing.
Which delivers will be charged sales tax?
Any merchandise ordered from California and shipped to California will be charged sales tax. Orders shipped to California locations are F.O.B. destination point, which means title passes in California. For further assistance please call our customer service department at 866-944-8454 or send an email to